When applying for a job, writing your CV is the first step to take.
In today's competitive world, a carefully crafted CV could be the tool that opens the door and leads to an interview. Your CV or Curriculum Vitae is a snapshot of who you are and is your opportunity to make the right first impression.
The aim of your CV is to show that you are the right candidate for the job. Included should be up-to-date and relevant information mentioning your achievements, experience, and other skills that qualify you for the position that you are applying for.
Your CV should outline the following
Personal Information
Include your name, address, phone number, email and any other contact details that you feel are important.
Including age, sex, religion or nationality details is not necessary.
Education and Training
Starting with the most recent, name the schools, colleges and universities where you have attended. List the degrees, diplomas and certificates achieved.
It is a good idea to list your highest degree first. If do not have a degree or diploma it is okay to list all courses, conferences, seminars and workshops attended.
2006-2010: University College Dublin
Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Marketing
Use this space to outline the areas of study that the programme was comprised of. List grades and awards achieved.
2005-2006: Dublin Business School
Degree: Business in Marketing - Higher Certificate (Level 6 NFQ)
Use this space to outline the areas of study that the programme was comprised of. List grades and awards achieved
1998-2004: Saint Kevin’s College, Lucan, Co Dublin
If you include your secondary school, here you would include your leaving certificate results i.e. English A1, Irish B2, French B3, History B2, Biology B3, Economics C1, Maths B1
Employment History
List your previous places of employment starting with the most recent.
2011-2012: BigTime Marketing Firm Worldwide
Marketing Accounts Manager
Here you should outline the job role, and all duties and responsibilities and day-to-day requirements
2010-2011: Marketing Promotions Management
Promotional Staff
Here you should outline the job role, and all duties and responsibilities and day-to-day requirements
Be sure to outline your most notable achievements in each role. Include any specific projects or programmes that you were involved in.
Key Skills
Detail any other certificates achieved or courses attended.
You should also describe your abilities or valuable skills such as communication, management, organisation, language or computer skills.
Hobbies and Interests
This is your opportunity to create a picture of your passions in life. This will give potential employers an idea of who you are outside of your professional achievements.
Make it interesting and highlight your personal accomplishments. If you're the lead singer in a band or captain of a sports team, if you love to travel or are mad about volunteering include it here.
You can provide references on your CV but do not need to. If you decide not to include them, you should have them ready be able to present these upon request from the employer.