Adverts Shops have the ability to accept credit and debit card payments on their ads, and have the money transferred to their bank account. Any shop with a connected Stripe account will automatically have the 'pay by card' option enabled on all their ads.
How do I to get started?
To ensure maximum security for all parties, uses Stripe to process all card payments across the site. To start accepting card payments you will need to first create a Stripe account, or connect an existing one. Once you have connected a Stripe account, the option to pay by card will be instantly enabled on all your ads. To get started, just click the 'Connect with Stripe' button displayed on your Shops dashboard, and you will be walked through the process for opening a Stripe account, or connecting an existing one.
Why do I need an account with Stripe?
Using Stripe to process payments means that the transaction can be processed without either the seller or needing to handle any sensitive card information. Stripe handles the entire transaction and just passes the money on to the seller. In order to do this, you need a Stripe account so that they know where to send the money. Once you have an account however, you can then log into Stripe to see statistical information, and make use of all the other benefits of having a Stripe account.
Who are Stripe?
Stripe is a payments company specialising in enabling sellers to accept payments online. Founded by Limerick brothers John and Patrick Collison, the company is trusted by thousands of companies and is currently valued at $3.5 billion. Stripe is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1, the most stringent level of certification.
You can learn more about Stripe here:
Do I need to have a business in order to open a Stripe account?
No, you do not need to be a business, limited company or corporation to open a Stripe account. If you don't have a separate entity and operate by yourself, you have a sole proprietorship. When you activate your account, just choose the appropriate option for your business type. If you later create a business entity, it's easy to update your Stripe account to reflect your new status.
I already have a Stripe account, can I use my existing one?
Yes. When you go click the Connect to Stripe button on Adverts, if you are already logged into Stripe, it will prompt you to connect your existing account. If not, you will be prompted to sign up for an account, however there is a login option at the top of that form for users who already have a Stripe account.
What are Stripe's fees?
Stripe fees in Ireland are 1.4% + 25c per successful charge + VAT for all European cards (and 2.90% + 25c for all non-European cards). More information can be found here.
If you are a VAT-registered Irish business, you will be able to account for VAT on Stripe’s fees in your VAT return. A breakdown of these fees is available through your monthly VAT report, which you can download from the Documents section of your Stripe dashboard.
Will I still be charged a commission by
Yes, the above fee is charged by the payment provider for handling the payment exchange. Regardless of which payment provider is chosen by the buyer, shops are charged by 3.5% commission on the total sale price of successfully sold items if they opt in to automatic billing, otherwise the charge is 4.5%
How will this affect my invoices?
For card payments, Adverts will take the commission for the sale during the transaction itself, and so will not need to invoice for these fees at the of the month. This means your total amount outstanding each month should be less, and because we only get paid when you get paid, it will also reduce the number of failed transactions on your bill. Invoices will still be issued for all fees as per usual (and will include the card payments for your VAT collection purposes) but the individual fees will be marked as paid, and will have been deducted from the total amount due at the end.
What if the buyer wants a refund?
You can issue a refund directly from your shop dashboard for any payments processed by Stripe. Click 'Total sales this month' to open up your sales history. Find the transaction you wish to refund, and in the status column you will see a button labelled 'Issue Stripe Refund'. Clicking this button will issue the buyer a full refund, which includes refunding your payment, Stripe's fee, and's commission.
Can I issue refunds directly from my Stripe dashboard?
Yes, you can issue refunds from your Stripe account, however we don't recommend this because is unable to refund our commission fee in these instances. If you issue a refund from your Adverts dashboard, the buyer will receive a refund of the full amount, and both Stripe and Adverts' will also refund their fees. If you issue a refund from your Stripe dashboard however, the buyer will still be refunded the full amount, and Stripe will refund their fee, however the Adverts commission will still be charged to your account as we will have no record that a refund has taken place in this case. If you do wish to refund transactions from within Stripe, you can set up a webhook to ensure all fees are refunded. Log into Stripe > Account Settings > Webhooks > Add URL > then copy in the following URL and click Create Endpoint. Fees are not refunded in the case of partial refunds to buyers.
What will it look like for potential buyers?
As soon as you connect a new (or existing) Stripe account with your Adverts shop, the ability for buyers to pay by card will immediately start displaying on all of your ads.
If I use Stripe, can I remove PayPal as a payment option?
No. For the moment at least, shops still require a PayPal account to sign up and this will still be displayed as a payment option. Stripe is an additional option rather than a replacement.
How long does it take for Stripe to transfer money to my account?
Stripe payments are processed instantly, and the money can be seen and accessed from your Stripe account. Stripe then transfers money into your bank account on a rolling basis daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the users preference. When you open an account, the default setting is weekly, but you can easily change that to daily from your account settings in Stripe.
Log into Stripe, got to account settings > Transfers > Transfer schedule > Change Schedule. Alternatively, just click here. More information on Stripe's help pages here.
Can I remove the Stripe option from my account?
Yes, if you want to disconnect a Stripe account you have previously connected to your Shop, you can do so from your dashboard. At the bottom of the screen there in a label that will read "Stripe Connected: Yes (change)". Clicking Change will allow you to disconnect the Stripe account form this shop.