When listing a vehicle on Adverts, you pay an upfront fee called a listing fee. The listing fee depends on the price range of the vehicle you are listing. They are broken down as follows.
Basic Ad | Priority Ad | Premium Ad | |
Vehicles less than €2,000 | €2 | €5 | €7 |
Vehicles €2,000 to €3,999 | €3 | €5 | €7 |
Vehicles €4,000 or higher | €4 | €5 | €7 |
This applies to any vehicles in the "Cars, motorbikes and boats" section, including:
- Boats
- Campers & Motorhomes
- Caravans
- Mobile Homes
- Cars
- Coaches & Buses
- Motorbikes
- Plant Machinery
- Quads
- Scooters
- Commercial Vehicles
- Trucks
- Vintage & Classic Vehicles
- Other, Cars, Motorbikes & Boats
No Success Fee on Vehicles
As you are paying a listing fee upfront, there is no success fee when you successfully sell your car.