How they work

All ads on are displayed in chronological order. This means that your ad will show at the top of your selected category, for your ad type, when you post it. It will then slowly move down the listings as other ads are being placed.

On some occasions, you may find that some items take longer to sell, or you may have overpriced your ad. But by the time you drop the price, the ad is a long way down the list. Bumping your ad will bring it back up the listings.

All ads receive €1 free credit every 30 days. You can use it to bump your ad to the top of the listings. Please note that free credit will expire after 10 days.  

We also offer 2 different types of paid bumps:

Priority Bump – This bumps your advert to the top of the priority listings and will keep your ad in the priority listings, above the basic ads, for 3 days. The price of a priority bump ranges from €2 to €4, depending on category*.

Premium Bump – This bumps your advert to the top of the premium listings and will keep it in the premium listings, above all priority or basic ads, for 7 days.The price of a premium bump ranges from €3 to €6, depending on category*. A premium badge will also be displayed on your ad. 

Please note – bumps are category related only and do not apply for ‘free text searches’

How do I bump my ad?

  1. Login, go to your active ads and select the advert you wish to bump.
  2. Click on the green ‘bump this ad’ button.
  3. A pop up window will display the different options available to you.
  4. Select between a free (if applicable), priority or a premium bump.
  5. Pay using your debit card, credit card or Paypal.

Please note:

Free bump is no longer available. Instead, you will receive a free Basic bump every 30 days. You will see the €1 credit  for a basic bump that each ad receives every 30 days in your account. You can use it to bump your ad to the top of the listings

We will sometimes test new pricing of our premium features by raising or lowering the price. As part of A/B testing, some members may be offered a different price to other members. We do this to try balance the level of use in each category, so that the promotional options you chose work the best that they can. Price changes may be permanent or run for a limited time. They also may be specific to a particular category or premium feature.


If you have any questions about these changes, please contact us.

Have more questions? Submit a request
