Editing my ad


Log into your account and go to the advert you want to edit, click ‘edit this ad’. You can edit your photos, the description, location and you can decrease your asking price instantly. To change your category please select ‘edit’ and in the description box, please enter the category you would like. This needs to be approved by admin and can take up to 24 hours. When finished with your changes, click on ‘Finish: Place your ad’. You can only change the title of your ad within the first 7 days of placing your ad.


Go to the advert, select ‘edit this ad’. Then select the area of your advert you wish to edit. You can edit your photos, ad details, payment and shipping details and your location on the app. Once you are finished editing your ad, just click ‘done’. To edit the the category of your advert, you need to log into the full desktop version of the site. You can only change the title of your ad within the first 7 days of placing your ad.

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