I cant find my advert on the site

Once you place your ad (and submit payment where applicable), it will appear on Adverts.ie within a matter of minutes.

You can view all your active and inactive ads in your profile.

If you are browsing the site and cannot see your ad:

  • It may be advertised in the wrong category. Find the ad in your profile, go to ‘edit ad’ and click ‘edit category’ to submit a request to have the category changed.
  • It may have been pushed to the bottom of the listing. Bump your ad by clicking on the bump button.

If one of your ads is missing from your profile:

  • Your advert may have been a duplicate. Multiple listings for one item are against our rules and will be removed.
  • Your advertised item may be in breach of our rules. Check our list of forbidden items.
  • Your account may have been suspended.
  • Your advert may be pending manual check.

If an advert has been removed from the site, we will send you an email notification to explain why your advert was removed.

Have more questions? Submit a request
