Uploading photos


You can upload unlimited photos to your advert.

Once you are posting / editing your ad, click on "Add Photos", select the location of the image on your computer and then open. You can then choose which photo you want to use as your main photo. When you click on "Finish: place your ad", your photos will be saved with your ad.

If you are having trouble with uploading photos, you probably need to reduce their size (maximum size is 5mb). Reduce them to 700 pixels wide and try again. Certain browsers may also cause issues when uploading browsers. Please try using an alternative browser (Google Chrome always works best) and please ensure you do not have adblock enabled.


To upload pictures to your advert on mobile, you will need to download the Adverts.ie app, you can then upload an unlimited number of pictures to your ad.  When you click ‘place ad’,  the first thing you will be asked to do is take photos of your item. Once you click ‘next’ your photos will be saved.

To change the photos on your advert, go to the advert, click ‘edit ad’ and then click ‘photo’s’, you can then delete or add new photos.

To select your main photo, click the star on the bottom of your screen.


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