Ad Sharing from/to

From December 2017, for some categories, when there are less than 10 search results on Adverts, we will display similar ads from our sister site, Clicking on any of these ads will direct you to the website.

From May 2019, sellers on Adverts can opt-in to share their content to our sister site, DoneDeal.

From August 2020, sellers on our sister site DoneDeal can opt-in to share their content to Adverts.


Why are Adverts displaying DoneDeal ads?

The purpose of this is to give buyers more options when a search only returns a small number of ads. This ensures you will get more variety and hopefully help you find what you are looking for at a great price.


Why are Adverts allowing content to be shared to and from DoneDeal?

The purpose of this, is to give sellers an increased likelihood of success. Opting-in to share content to/from DoneDeal extends the reach of the advertisement and makes generating additional enquiries and a faster path to a sale even more possible.


Is there any personal data shared between sites?

For DoneDeal content appearing on Adverts when less that 10 search  results show - no. The only items which are shared are the title image, ad price, ad title and location. We do not share any personal information from our DoneDeal sellers on Adverts without explicit opt-in to our share feature.

For Adverts sellers who have opted-in to share their content to DoneDeal - yes. Any personal information shared from user accounts and ads is reduced to a minimum and limited to strictly necessary fields for the fulfilment of a successful publication. This includes; Username, Email(s), Phone Number(s), County and Vehicle Registration Number (if applicable).

For DoneDeal sellers who have opted-in to share their content to Adverts - yes. Any personal information shared from user accounts and ads is reduced to a minimum and limited to strictly necessary fields for the fulfilment of a successful publication. This includes; Name (username), Email(s), Phone Number(s), County and Vehicle Registration Number (if applicable).


What is the personal data shared from Adverts to DoneDeal used for?

Once a seller has explicitly opted-in to the service - shared data is used to pair Adverts accounts to existing DoneDeal accounts where possible. When a successful pairing can’t be achieved - a new verified DoneDeal account is created for the seller using the shared account information.

In both cases, once a successful account pairing or creation has been completed, the additional shared data is used to create and publish the ad under the aforementioned account.

What is the personal data shared from DoneDeal to Adverts used for?

Once a seller has explicitly opted-in to the service - shared data is used to pair DoneDeal accounts to existing Adverts accounts where possible. When a successful pairing can’t be achieved - a new Adverts account is created for the seller using the shared account information.

In both cases, once a successful account pairing or creation has been completed, the additional shared data is used to create and publish the ad under the aforementioned account.

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