If you have an account with the same email address on both Adverts and DoneDeal, we offer the option to share your Adverts feedback on your DoneDeal account to boost trust in your DoneDeal profile. If you are eligible, you will have the option to opt-in on your Adverts profile.
This can help you stand out as a trustworthy buyer or seller on DoneDeal, enhancing your experience and that of those you interact with.
How are Adverts and DoneDeal connected?
Adverts and DoneDeal are part of Distilled - Ireland’s largest online marketplace network.
Although each platform operates independently, they are already connected by features such as the possibility to share content between both brands.
How will my Adverts feedback show on DoneDeal?
On Adverts, feedback is given as either positive or negative, sometimes with a comment from the reviewer.
On DoneDeal, positive Adverts ratings will be displayed as 5 stars, while negative ratings will show as 1 star. For example, if you have 90% positive feedback on Adverts, this would appear as a 4.6 out of 5-star rating on DoneDeal.
Comments from Adverts will be grouped by common themes and displayed accordingly. Please note that the exact display of feedback on DoneDeal may vary, especially if you already have feedback from DoneDeal users.
Will my Adverts feedback be shared with DoneDeal forever?
No, it won’t. Since DoneDeal user feedback will be newly visible to the public, we’re giving you a one-time opportunity to boost your profile with existing feedback from Adverts.
This feedback sharing applies only to feedback collected up to this point. Any new feedback you receive on Adverts after this sharing period will not be transferred to DoneDeal.
Adverts and DoneDeal will continue to operate as separate marketplaces.
When can I see my feedback on DoneDeal?
User feedback will begin appearing on DoneDeal in January 2025. If you agree to share your feedback after this date, it may take a few weeks to become visible on DoneDeal.
Once you’ve agreed to share, you’ll see a status indicator in your Adverts profile. This will let you know if the feedback sharing is still in progress or if it’s ready to view on DoneDeal. We will also send you an email to notify when your feedback has been successfully shared with DoneDeal.